LogoLSMU contacts

Directory of LSMU contacts.

Map of LSMU departments

On the LSMU department map, the search is performed by address, department name, or fragments thereof. The full map of the departments – an empty search box.

Street address
Departments at this address
Tilžės g. 18, Kaunas
Veterinary academy, VSF, Sports center
VA Library, Veterinary Continuing Education and Counseling Center, Sports center, Clinical Department of Sports Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Health Research Institute, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Large Animal Clinic, Dr. L Kriaučeliūnas Small Animal Clinic, Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Veterinary Medicine Simulation Center, Faculty of Animal Science, Vivarium, Museum of the Veterinary Academy, Biological Research Center, (36)

Tilžės g. 18, Kaunas

Departments at this address